Time Stamp:

  • 00:38-01:42 Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis
  • 01:43-02:41 CASPAR Criteria
  • 02:42-03:39 Approach to possible psoriatic arthritis
  • 03:40-05:03 Clinical features suggestive of psoriatic arthritis
  • 05:04-05:54 Laboratory findings
  • 05:55-06:41 Imaging findings
  • 06:42-07:29 Summary Session

Expert: Dr. Anna Kristina Gutierrez-Rubio, FPRA

Position/Office: Active consultant, Makati Medical Center

Duration: 00:08:06

In this section, you will learn about:

• approaches in the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis, classification criteria for psoriatic arthritis, clinical features, diagnostic and imaging tests and its findings in psoriatic arthritis


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Lecture 4: Updates in the Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis


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